The Dirt Rich School

We're so excited to introduce to you our friends from the Dirt Rich School-

Their program is for you if…

  1. You want to grow your own healthy food in a way that honors the land and increases fertility.
  2. You feel the need to work with animals in a way that is compassionate and confidant.
  3. Want to create healthy lifestyle, and make a living doing it.
  4. You read about modern homesteading & simple living and want to make it your life style.
  5. You want to learn about permaculture design not just in a class room,  you want to apply your knowledge as you learn it .
  6. You’ve done a Permaculture Design Course but still don’t know how to apply it, or are wondering what’s next.
  7. You want to learn radical homemaking skills to give depth and quality to your home and lifestyle.
  8. You don’t just want to be a consumer, you want to be a producer.
  9. You feel powerless when you think about food scarcity, soil erosion and water pollution because you want to be part of the solution not part of the problem.
  10. You crave a community of like- minded people to share your passion for a regenerative future.
The Dirt Rich School is a great place to gain direction, learn new skills and emerge  empowered. Whether you are a beginner, or an experienced practitioner, we believe that hands-on experience will give you the confidence to create your own sustainable future.
If you are exploring the idea of farm/gardening as a vocation or a land based lifestyle or just looking for a skill based education this is the program.