Container Gardening

Container Gardening!
Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature

The container gardening workshop with the lovely Dana Ecelberger was so much fun and so informative! Dana really knows her stuff and is an amazing person to boot!
Some awesome things we learned:
-Keeping on top of moisture and nutrients in a container is important because of the small amount of soil.
-Moisture meters can help!
-Even carrots and tomatoes can grow in a container? (Isn't that cool? Who knew??)
-Vegetables like a pH of around 7. You can get moisture meters that tell you pH too. (Yay technology!)
-18 inches is a good depth for veggies in a container garden....
There is so much other wonderful information to share, we just can't include it all Be sure to watch our schedule as we WILL have Dana back to teach us more!

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, hat, outdoor and indoor